Willow Tree Lavender Grace (26465)
Lavender Grace
May all your senses be filled with healing grace.
“A field of lavender never fails to take my breath away. You experience lavender through all your senses – not only its aromatic fragrance, but its pure visual beauty... its form is uplifting, and the color is gorgeous. In any garden, it’s a standout. It even tastes good! Speaking as a gardener, lavender is just good for the soul – and so, it heals. I wanted this piece to be a healing piece. But it also could be seen as a piece about strength. She’s looking up; her stance is strong and uplifted, like lavender. I named her Lavender Grace... perhaps she could remind you of someone who exemplifies a life of beauty and grace.”
Οι φιγούρες Willow Tree σμηλεύονται από τη δημιουργό τους Susan Lordi με έναν ειδικό πηλό και στη συνέχεια επεξεργάζονται με ρυτίνη για να τους αποδωθούν λεπτομέρειες στο πρόσωπο και το σώμα. Τέλος βάφονται με ειδικά χρώματα τα οποία δεν περιέχουν μόλυβδο.
Ύψος 14 εκ.
Lavender Grace
May all your senses be filled with healing grace.
“A field of lavender never fails to take my breath away. You experience lavender through all your senses – not only its aromatic fragrance, but its pure visual beauty... its form is uplifting, and the color is gorgeous. In any garden, it’s a standout. It even tastes good! Speaking as a gardener, lavender is just good for the soul – and so, it heals. I wanted this piece to be a healing piece. But it also could be seen as a piece about strength. She’s looking up; her stance is strong and uplifted, like lavender. I named her Lavender Grace... perhaps she could remind you of someone who exemplifies a life of beauty and grace.”
Οι φιγούρες Willow Tree σμηλεύονται από τη δημιουργό τους Susan Lordi με έναν ειδικό πηλό και στη συνέχεια επεξεργάζονται με ρυτίνη για να τους αποδωθούν λεπτομέρειες στο πρόσωπο και το σώμα. Τέλος βάφονται με ειδικά χρώματα τα οποία δεν περιέχουν μόλυβδο.
Ύψος 14 εκ.