Willow Tree You and me (26439)
You and Me (lighter skin tone and hair color)
Every day, building on our love!
“This sculpture represents a couple who’s navigating life together – the joys, the challenges, and the daily decisions that come with being a family. I hope it speaks to an appreciation for the little things that make life interesting... and how love can renew itself over and over again. It’s the trust and support of each other through the day in, day out that strengthens love – and keeps us in it for the long haul.
“I also designed this piece to work with the children in The Roses in my Garden collection. I hope this helps you create a family grouping that reflects the personality of your own.”
Οι φιγούρες Willow Tree σμηλεύονται από τη δημιουργό τους Susan Lordi με έναν ειδικό πηλό και στη συνέχεια επεξεργάζονται με ρυτίνη για να τους αποδωθούν λεπτομέρειες στο πρόσωπο και το σώμα. Τέλος βάφονται με ειδικά χρώματα τα οποία δεν περιέχουν μόλυβδο.
Ύψος : 18 εκ.
You and Me (lighter skin tone and hair color)
Every day, building on our love!
“This sculpture represents a couple who’s navigating life together – the joys, the challenges, and the daily decisions that come with being a family. I hope it speaks to an appreciation for the little things that make life interesting... and how love can renew itself over and over again. It’s the trust and support of each other through the day in, day out that strengthens love – and keeps us in it for the long haul.
“I also designed this piece to work with the children in The Roses in my Garden collection. I hope this helps you create a family grouping that reflects the personality of your own.”
Οι φιγούρες Willow Tree σμηλεύονται από τη δημιουργό τους Susan Lordi με έναν ειδικό πηλό και στη συνέχεια επεξεργάζονται με ρυτίνη για να τους αποδωθούν λεπτομέρειες στο πρόσωπο και το σώμα. Τέλος βάφονται με ειδικά χρώματα τα οποία δεν περιέχουν μόλυβδο.
Ύψος : 18 εκ.
Ετικέτες: Willow Tree You and me (26439), 26439, Willow Tree, Jim Shore, Demdaco, Britto